Šīs darbs ir ievads populārā, bet netradīcionālā britu filmu režisora Pītera Grīneveja darbos. Mākslinieka kino stils tiek analizēts uz viena no viņa visvairāk populārās un finansiāli sekmīgās filmas „Pagalvju Grāmata” piemēra. Darba organizējošs princips ir tēmas ierosinātas Pītera Grīneveja lekcijās, atvērtajās diskusijās un intervijās. Izvelētā pētījuma metode saved kopā režisora teorētisko uzskatu un viņa darbus, kas rezultātā izriet pilnīgākajā Grīneveja kino valodas izpratnē.The Present paper gives an insight into the art of a famous, though non-mainstream British film director Peter Greenaway. The cinematic style of the artist is being discussed on the example of one of his most accessible and financially successful films – “The Pill...
Bakalaura darbā „Vēstījuma pamatstruktūras Pītera Grīneveja filmās „Pavārs, zaglis, viņa sieva un vi...
Throughout its history as a translated classic in the West, Sei Shônagon's The P HHow Book has time ...
Im Allgemeinen zielen die Filme von Peter Greenaways auf die Historisierung der Gegenwart ab. Sein F...
This thesis is an attempt to explore the “axis of innumerable relationships” of the book which Jorge...
The aim of this article is to verify the intense relationship that, from its beginnings, maintains a...
O presente trabalho apresenta algumas questões e resultados da pesquisa em andamento intitulada “O C...
Within his cinematic works, British filmmaker, painter, curator, and multi-media artist Peter Greena...
Este artículo se propone reexaminar la filmografía de Peter Greenaway, en particular su aclamada The...
Peter Greenaway ne cesse, dans son œuvre cinématographique, d’explorer la relation entre le cinéma e...
The full script along with stills from Greenaway's 1995 film of the same name, a contemporary "text-...
How are we to characterise the art of Peter Greenaway, especially in the light of his new project Tu...
This is the final version. Available on open access from the Open Library of Humanities via the DOI ...
International audiencePeter Greenaway’s 1991 Prospero’s Books is still today a tantalizing film whic...
Esse trabalho propõe a uma análise do filme Prosperos Books (1991) do cineasta inglês Peter Greenawa...
The Draughtsman, the Architect, his Wife an der her Lover.Kunstrezeption in den Filmen Peter Greenaw...
Bakalaura darbā „Vēstījuma pamatstruktūras Pītera Grīneveja filmās „Pavārs, zaglis, viņa sieva un vi...
Throughout its history as a translated classic in the West, Sei Shônagon's The P HHow Book has time ...
Im Allgemeinen zielen die Filme von Peter Greenaways auf die Historisierung der Gegenwart ab. Sein F...
This thesis is an attempt to explore the “axis of innumerable relationships” of the book which Jorge...
The aim of this article is to verify the intense relationship that, from its beginnings, maintains a...
O presente trabalho apresenta algumas questões e resultados da pesquisa em andamento intitulada “O C...
Within his cinematic works, British filmmaker, painter, curator, and multi-media artist Peter Greena...
Este artículo se propone reexaminar la filmografía de Peter Greenaway, en particular su aclamada The...
Peter Greenaway ne cesse, dans son œuvre cinématographique, d’explorer la relation entre le cinéma e...
The full script along with stills from Greenaway's 1995 film of the same name, a contemporary "text-...
How are we to characterise the art of Peter Greenaway, especially in the light of his new project Tu...
This is the final version. Available on open access from the Open Library of Humanities via the DOI ...
International audiencePeter Greenaway’s 1991 Prospero’s Books is still today a tantalizing film whic...
Esse trabalho propõe a uma análise do filme Prosperos Books (1991) do cineasta inglês Peter Greenawa...
The Draughtsman, the Architect, his Wife an der her Lover.Kunstrezeption in den Filmen Peter Greenaw...
Bakalaura darbā „Vēstījuma pamatstruktūras Pītera Grīneveja filmās „Pavārs, zaglis, viņa sieva un vi...
Throughout its history as a translated classic in the West, Sei Shônagon's The P HHow Book has time ...
Im Allgemeinen zielen die Filme von Peter Greenaways auf die Historisierung der Gegenwart ab. Sein F...